West Chester Weekly News Roundup: Apr. 21, 2023

West Chester Weekly News Roundup: Apr. 21, 2023


West Chester Weekly News Roundup

The easiest way to be in the know.

It’s Friday, Apr. 21: It’s Friday, Apr. 21, 2023: Tiiiimmmbberrr. Those perfectly healthy trees cut down on the Burger King property blew a rather large hole in West Chester’s tree canopy and called attention to a pretty big problem. West Chester’s beloved trees are disappearing at an unsustainable rate. What’s the problem and what can we do to stop it? Plus, Earth Day events, kids in banana suits and from motel room to dorm rooms, West Chester University proposes its own Schitt’s Creek scenario. Who’s ready? Let’s catch up.

West Chester’s Tree Canopy is in Danger

The Borough’s 2915 street trees represent a canopy coverage of 18 percent. Based on American Forests Tree equity ratings, that coverage should be at 40 percent.

It’s easy this time of year to be awed by the lushness and beauty of West Chester’s trees. Early spring’s new buds give way to a leafy green canopy and showers of petals fall to the ground like the remnants of a pale pink snowstorm. Photographers – professionals and amateurs alike – do their best to capture the moment. Their digital odes are scattered about on social media.

It’s also easy to take this moment for granted, to chalk it up as an inevitable rite of spring. However, as robust as it may seem right now, West Chester’s tree canopy is actually in severe decline. The West Chester Tree Commission estimates the borough’s canopy is less than half of what it should be.

“We are losing a lot of our big old trees,” said Tree Commission Chair Jeff Bietel. “The loss of just a couple of these enormous trees is huge. You would have to plant hundreds of those little trees to make up the loss.”

According to the Tree Commission’s annual report, 200 newly planted small trees, think the trees the Borough plants along the streets, would be needed to offset the loss of just one 30” caliper tree. For perspective, just one of the trees cut down at the Burger King property measured 8’ across. In the whole of last year, the Borough planted 105 street trees.

The good and the bad of that number is that street trees make up only 10 percent of the borough’s trees; 90 percent lie on private property.


Butler House. (Sadly I missed the Cherry tree blooms.)

Kora Stahl, who lives with her husband, at the old Butler property on W. Miner St. often witnesses people stopping to take pictures of the property’s 100-year-old cherry trees. They are the same as those that line the streets of Washington, D.C. “Each Congressman was given two trees. [Representative] Thomas Butler planted his two on his property. It’s wonderful,” she said of the attention they get.

Rewarding, yes. Easy, no.

Each spring Cora and her husband spend hundreds of dollars on fertilizers and care for those trees and that’s when they are healthy. Branch removal on a large tree can run into the thousands. Removal even more than that.

“Each spring there are birds and squirrels. They have their babies in the tree. It is fantastic. But it does cost money. Lots of money,” she said. In the fall, these beautiful green leaves will eventually turn vibrant hues before dropping all over your yard. Kora remembers one neighbor so upset about the annual purge she was ready to cut down a perfectly healthy tree.

Read the full story of West Chester’s trees including what the Tree Commission would like to do next and how much just one large tree can add to your property value. In this market, those are some big numbers.

Earth Day Events

Saturday is Earth Day and this year, it seems everyone wants in on the action. Grab your gloves and rakes and get going.


  • Everhart Park, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Bring work gloves and wear appropriate footwear.

  • Marshall Square Park, 8:30 a.m. -12 p.m. Bring a wheelbarrow, tarp, and/or a mulch fork if you have them.

  • West Chester Community Clean-up. Visit the Borough website to register for a two to five-block clean-up area. Registered participants will receive a clean-up kit. Pick-up is Saturday morning from 8 – 9 a.m. at Borough Hall. Of course, even if you didn’t register there is nothing stopping you from grabbing a garbage bag and some gloves and picking up trash around your neighborhood for an hour.

  • Westtown Tree Planting. The goal is to plant a 75-tree riparian buffer. Email [email protected] if you can help.


  • Earth Day Rally. At 1 p.m. the West Chester’s Green Team will lead a rally at the Historic Courthouse where speakers including State Senator Carolyn Comitta, Chester County Commissioner Josh Maxwell, and others will discuss climate measures and other initiatives.

  • Green Fair. Immediately following the rally there will be a Green Fair at the Unitarian Congregation on High Street. Activities include a Repair Cafe, with experts on hand to fix small items, and children’s activities.

  • Running Home 5K. Meet at the corner of Market and Church Streets at 9 a.m. Race proceeds go to support North Star of Chester County. Register here. (I am pretty sure this one has nothing to do with Earth Day but it’s a good cause and it’s outdoors so I figured I’d include it.)

  • FarmerJawn Earth Day Launch Party. Pete’s Produce Stand on Route 926 will formally reopen under the FarmerJawn name on Saturday. They have a slew of activities planned for the momentous occasion including speeches, food tastings, music, kid’s activities, and more. Festivities begin at 11 a.m.


  • Texture tracing. On Sunday from 3 – 5 p.m., Friends of Everhart Park are holding a texture tracing Earth Day activity that is open to all.

  • The State of Sustainability at WCU. On Wednesday, April 26, West Chester University will present the findings from its first sustainability census. This free virtual presentation is open to the public.

Check Out This Springtime DEAL at Main Line Studios

Main Line Studios is giving out a FREE hour of studio time this week ONLY to be used at any time in 2023. What will you do with it? Senior photos? A LinkedIn photo or headshot? A group photo for your club or friend group? How about finally starting your podcast? Or are you looking to film a high quality corporate video? You can do all of that and more at Main Line Studios. Learn more today HERE.


The Ware Fountain feels forgotten compared to the rest of WCU’s beautifully landscaped campus. View on website to compare images. Photos: Alessandra Bellwoar.

Not everything blooms where planted. Two years ago, West Chester University dedicated its new fountain in honor of alumnus Roger Ware and his wife Agnes. During the 2021 ceremony, Mr. Ware, who got the idea of the corner fountain over the course of a sleepless night, shared his hopes for the new plaza. “We wanted a space to be the first spot a new prospective student would see when visiting, a place to take family photos, graduation pictures, a place to relax, and enjoy this beautiful campus and city,” he said.

This week I got a message. “Can we please talk about the pathetic state of High and Rosedale Streets?” the resident wrote. “Just one block away you have gorgeous tulips all ready for graduation pictures but any stranger entering our lovely town on High Street would think it’s abandoned.” It seems Mr. Ware’s good intentions may be falling a little short.

Editor's note: Original photos were taken Wednesday morning. Additional pansies have since been planted but the small flowers are no competition for the vast expanse of pavement.

These are the rules of the (closed) road. This week West Chester Borough Council approved the outdoor regulations for the 2023 Gay Street Open Air Market - they are essentially the same as the 2022 rules. You can find the complete list here. Highlights include outdoor dining ending at 11 p.m., music allowed at moderate levels and, in case you need it, businesses can offer free garage parking to customers with a voucher. Just ask.

WEGO cop pleads guilty to traffic violations. Westtown-East Goshen officer Jason Listmeier pleaded guilty this week to three traffic citations in the death of 75-year-old cyclist Micheal Ghione. The citations included: careless driving involving an unintentional death, disregarding traffic lanes, and passing on the left of a bicycle. The officer was ordered to pay fines and court costs totaling $856 and will see his license suspended for six months. He remains on leave from the WEGO police department.

Plan your route ahead of time. PECO has notified the Downtown Business Improvement District to expect lane closures when it resumes work next week on Market Street between Church and Darlington Streets. The work will be done at night and the road will remain open while crews work. PECO is hoping to have this project completed by the end of May and resurfacing of Market Street done in June. PECO will also be working on the 200 block of S. Wayne. This work will occur during the day so avoid the area if you can. Crews are expected through May 3.

If you’re going to prowl, don’t make it so obvious. West Chester Police Department is asking for assistance identifying the man all in his white tee. They have some questions for him regarding a loitering and prowling incident that took place in the 500 block of S. High Street. If you have any information, notify Officer Dougherty at 610-696-2700.


West Chester Railroad.

Congratulations to West Chester Rail which will be getting some much-needed upgrades thanks to a $125,000 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. The money will be used to repair the tracks and make other infrastructure improvements. For those curious about what this means for the promised plan to bring a high-speed rail back to the borough? Nothing. The funding was awarded to the West Chester Railroad which runs the heritage line.

“A trip on the West Chester Railroad is a great way to take a step back in time while enjoying the sights and sounds of a historic train ride,” said State Senator Carolyn Comitta who helped the group secure the funds.

No word of late as to the promise of rail futures.

And a shout out this week to Pierce’s Meaghan Stolnis on being named a 2023 Citadel Heart of Learning Award winner. Mrs. Stolnis is a life skills teacher and Best Buddies advisor for the district. Congratulations Mrs. Stolnis!

Also, working to elevate educational standards is West Chester University, which recently celebrated a huge $716,000 influx of cash to its Moon Shot program. The program, that seeks to expand STEM education for students in third to 12th grade, plans to use the funds to purchase new scientific equipment, expand mentoring opportunities for persons of color, low-income students, and girls, and to purchase a bus to get them all to the classes.

“It’s expensive making sure that students have access to equipment they can actually use,” said WCU Associate Professor of Physics and Engineering and project lead Brandon J. Mitchell.

You can read more about the Moon Shot program in the Daily Local this week.

Sticking with education, a round of applause to the East High School students behind the annual House of Hope concert. This year’s event, which was the school’s 13th, raised a record-breaking $14,000 for the Home of the Sparrow, an organization that helps local women and children facing homelessness. This is nearly double last year’s very respectable total of $7,300.

Quiz time: Finally, it’s good to be loved. According to Visit Philly, Chester County has four locations that have joined the ranks of the Philadelphia area’s most acclaimed. The designation comes in part thanks to national recognition in such high-profile media outlets as Architectural Digest and the New York Times. Two of the four area media darlings are located right here in West Chester. Can you name them? Scroll to the end of the newsletter for the answers. Bonus points if you get all four.


The water is back on for the season at Marshall Square Park.

Hello, gorgeous! The Marshall Square Park Fountain is back on for the season and looking beautiful and while you’re over there check out the trees. This year the Borough will be planting 13 trees to replace some that have been lost over the last few years. Fun fact: before it became a borough park, Marshall Square served as a small arboretum for local botanizers (great word). Among the trees selected for the site are a heritage River Birch, a Constellation Dogwood, and a Kentucky Coffee Tree.

Caption: The area bounded by Rosedale, New, Sharpless, and Reynolds Alley is known as the “Superblock” of campus.

Speaking of new, details emerged this week about West Chester University’s plans to look beyond campus to meet current housing shortages. At Tuesday’s West Goshen Supervisors’ Meeting, WCU President Christopher Fiorentino proposed converting the Microtel Inn on Willowbrook Ln. into dorm rooms for the fall semester. Under the proposal, the University would lease the property for up to five years as it continues to develop a multi-year master plan that reportedly could include new dorms in the “Super Block” of campus, or the area between Rosedale Avenue, New Street, Sharpless Street, and Reynolds Alley.

West Goshen Police Chief Michael Carroll both touted the benefits of potentially reduced crime - WGPD has made 5,1000 trips to the motel over the past five years - and raised concerns over student safety.

“It only takes one [student] to try to cross 202 at Matlack Street to get hit by a car,” Chief Carroll told Supervisors. “It’s a real problem.”

A decision on the proposal, which would require a Zoning Ordinance change, is not expected until this summer.

Also, say hello to election season. (Yes, again.) This spring we can look forward to a couple of Borough Council races, a School Board candidate or two, and some local judgeships. I’ll be digging more into the candidates in a future issue (if you are running for office in a capacity that represents West Chester, I would love to speak with you) but for now, this a reminder. If you are not registered to vote you need to do that by May 1 and if you are voting by mail, look for a more colorful experience this year.

Finally, after several years of wrangling, Hop Fidelity is saying hello to a liquor license. And just in time for National Record Store Day. (On the downside, no more free beer.)


The 27th annual West Chester Banana Day is in the books. At this you’ll-only-find-it-here tradition, students bust finals’ stress with banana-themed games, a banana photo booth, and a well-stocked banana buffet. As a resident, you may wonder where will all that spent fruit waste go? Don’t worry, the University is planning to compost.

What is not in the books, is a stop sign at Price and Brandywine Streets. Last week residents returned to the Public Safety Committee meeting to continue to petition the Borough and PennDot for a four-way stop at the location. It’s a measure they hope will make the intersection safer and easier for pedestrians making their way to nearby Everhart Park.

As the Borough engineer completes her traffic analysis including pedestrian counts and crash data, the Borough has said it is moving forward with the process to request traffic calming measures from PennDot including new crosswalk striping and additional signage. (Since Price is a state road, any changes must be approved by the Department of Transportation.) Residents were also promised the new digital traffic sign (the kind that tells you your speed as you drive by) would be deployed to the street as soon as it was programmed and ready to go.

The measures, however, are not exactly what residents, who also pleaded their case to PA State Representative Chris Pielli, had in mind.

“Price Street calming was not our original goal. We remain committed to the multi-way stop,” said one Price Street resident who spoke at last week’s meeting.

Big changes, they were cautioned, take time.

“Those big ticket items take time to put in place. That’s just the way it works,” said Borough Manager Sean Mettrick after suggesting the Borough petition the state for a larger corridor study similar to the one done on High Street. In addition to Price Street the Borough Manager would like to see studies completed on N. High Street, Hannum Avenue, and Route 3, outside of Borough Hall. He left prioritization to the Council Members to duke out.

“We can’t do five things at once, so, we want to bring that to Council and let you decide which to pursue,” he said.

Also, making tough decisions, the Chester County History Center. While, the name will remain on the exterior, the properties at 205 and 225 N. High Street no longer belong to the CCHC. Earlier this month the historical museum sold the buildings to Chester County for $3.5 million. The County also renewed its contract with the center securing its services toward the preservation of historic and current public records through 2028. Combined, the two agreements will provide the cash-strapped museum with an additional $4.68 million in funding.

The CCHC has occupied its main High Street building since 1942. It purchased the second building in 1992 from the YMCA. While ownership has changed, archived materials will remain where they are. The history center has worked out an agreement to lease back a portion of the buildings from the county.

Finally, good news. There is no goodbye in the future for the Colonial Village Meat Market. The local meat retailer and deli took to social media to clear up some rumors that began circulating after the announcement that a new Wawa is being planned for the Parkway Plaza property. (The post mentions the Daily Local, but you know you saw it here first. Just saying.)

Pay it forward.

Each year the Chester County's Women's Auxilary plans the popular Chester County Day home tour. Last year's tour visited the borough's Northwest quadrant. Image: Chester County Day website.

“It used to be when you heard the words “Women’s Auxilary” you conjured a picture of women in hats and gloves and Chanel suits,” the Chester County Hospital fundraisers teased in a recent public service announcement. That, they want you to know, is no longer the case.

Today, the 130-year-old organization is working to raise funds to establish a modern Breast Health Center at the hospital’s Abramson Cancer Center Complex. The $2 million center would help the hospital provide comprehensive care all under one roof.

“We are hoping to find members of our community who are interested in being a part of this worthy project and many others the Auxiliary has created,” said publicity chair Gail Guterl.

If you would like to learn more, give them a call at 610-738-2725 or [email protected]

Looking to give back and you…

Love a good homegrown music festival... Well, you are in luck. Both the Turks Head Music Festival and West Chester Porchfest are in the need of community volunteers. Click on the appropriate hyperlinked text for ways to get involved.

Are running to Target this weekend… The Friends Association is in desperate need of some basic household items. Think toilet paper, cleaning sprays, sponges, brooms, and mops. “With the rising costs of food, utilities, and supplies and the ending of additional supplemental benefit programs, we have needed to support more of the families in our programs, more often with everyday household essentials,” they shared via email. If you can help, drop your items off at their Chestnut St. location (it’s the one with the pretty mural) Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Find a full list of items needed here.

Like to put your money where your mouth is... Couch Tomato is holding a Dine and Donate today 11 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. in honor of Safe Harbor. Just mention the code “Safe Harbor” when ordering in person or over the phone only. Online and app orders will not count toward the donation total. Mae’s is hosting a similar event on May 28 in support of the Dugan family whose home was destroyed by a fire late last week. 15% of all orders (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and takeout) will go toward helping the family rebuild.

Just recovered from a killer injury… Saturday is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and the perfect time to safely dispose of any unused pills or prescription medicines. You can drop medicines off any time at West Chester University (610 S. Church St.) or the Chester County Hospital Emergency Room (701 E. Marshall St.) If you wait until Monday morning, your options expand to include the Sheriff’s Office (201 W. Market St.), West Goshen township building (1025 Paoli Pike), and WEGO police building (1041 Wilmington Pike.)

The freakin’ weekend.

There's still time to get those family photos among the pink blooms.

What are you up to this weekend? We have birthday parties and soccer games but first, we are going to grab our gloves and help with Everhart Park Clean. Piper will be picking up sticks with her Daisy Troop - and the rest of us will help where needed. Maybe after a hard day’s work, we will reward ourselves with a little treat?

If you’re around town this weekend and prefer your treats before all that back-breaking labor? City Buns has a new lemon brioche tart that looks delish. Local favorites Onyx & Honey will be playing a special no-cover, all-ages show tonight at Artillery, and on Saturday Ms. Malena is hosting an Instagram-live sale of pieces they just brought back from the New York Vintage Show.

Finally, a special thank you to this week’s Community Sponsor Lulu’s Casita. Located in the heart of downtown West Chester, Lulu’s Casita is an Indoor Playroom for children ages 0-6 years. Join them for daily open play, award-winning birthday parties, character events, and more. Visit their website to learn more.

Lulu’s Casita

It’s a summer of fun at Lulu’s Casita! Join everyone’s favorite playroom for a series of indoor and outdoor events, including Cinco de Maya Sangria and Snacks with Elmo, a special Ms. Rachel Fiesta and more! Follow Lulu's Casita on Facebook or Instagram for the latest events and all the fun details!

View a list of all our amazing Community Sponsors here. Want to get your business out in front of this wonderful community? I don’t blame you. Community Sponsorships are full but limited ad space remains for May and June. Send me an email if you are interested and I’ll get you details.

Enjoy getting these updates each week? Enjoy not having to click through a dozen annoying pop-up ads? Me too. I figure if regular readers contribute just $10 a year we can keep the updates coming and the ads limited. Plus, new subscriber perks coming soon.

Thanks to all of you who have already contributed. I truly couldn’t do it without you!

Brad and Hoops

By: Max Corridoni

Mark your calendars:

  • Apr. 20 -22 Twelfth Night Performance, 7:30 p.m. (2 p.m. matinee Apr. 22) Main Stage Theatre, E.O. Bull Center for the Arts, 2 E. Rosedale Avenue. Tickets at https://wcupatix.com/theatreanddance. This is part of WCU’s Forenight of Festivities celebrating the 400 year anniversary of the publication of Shakespeare’s First Folio. Visit the website for a complete event list.

  • Apr. 21 – Dine & Donate, Couch Tomato, 11 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Proceeds are going to support Safe Harbor. To participate you must mention Safe Harbor upon ordering and order either in person or by phone.

  • Apr. 21 – Onyx & Honey, Artillery Brewing, 6 – 9 p.m. All ages performance. No cover.

  • Apr. 21 – Home Again – A tribute to the music of Carol King, Uptown Theater, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $40/advance; $45/door

  • Apr. 22 – Everhart Park Annual Spring Cleanup, Everhart Park, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

  • Apr. 22 – Marshall Square Park Cleanup, Marshall Square Park, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

  • Apr. 22 – West Chester Community Clean Up, Borough-wide, all day. Registration is encouraged. Registered participants will receive a clean-up kit available Saturday morning from 8 – 9 a.m. at Borough Hall. At last check several streets and parks remained.

  • Apr. 22 – Running Home 5K, Corner of Market and Church Streets, 9 a.m. Money raised goes to support North Star of Chester County. Registration: $30

  • Apr. 22 – Earth Day Birthday Rally, Courthouse, 1 p.m. Following the rally head to the Unitarian Church for a Green Fair. Enjoy treats from the West Chester Co-op, native planting, and children’s activities.

  • Apr. 22 – Best of Chester County, Iron Hill Brewery, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. A 16 beer multitap featuring the best beers of Chester County. Locally find pours from Artillery, Wrong Crowd and Levante.

  • Apr. 22 – Cash Unchained, Uptown Theater, 7:30 p.m.Take a journey back in time to the life and music of “The Man in Black” Tickets: $40/advance; $45/door

  • Apr. 22 – Dr. Marc Gagné “Shakespeare and the Heavens,” 7 p.m., Mather Planetarium. This is part of WCU’s Forenight of Festivities celebrating the 400 year anniversary of the publication of Shakespeare’s First Folio. Visit the website for a complete event list.

  • Apr. 22 – West Chester 2023 Community Clean-up, Various locations, Kick off at Borough Hall, 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. Register to claim your clean up location.

  • Apr. 23 – Renaissance Fair, 12 – 3 p.m. WCU Academic Quad. Fair to be followed by a free outdoor performance of Shakespeare’s Twelth Night. This is part of WCU’s Forenight of Festivities celebrating the 400 year anniversary of the publication of Shakespeare’s First Folio. Visit the website for a complete event list.

  • Apr. 23 – Mother’s Day Shop and Sip, La Chic Boutique, 12 – 3 p.m. Includes permanent jewlery, headshots and mimosas.

  • Apr. 23 – Texture Tracing Earth Day event, Everhart Park, 3 – 5 p.m. This is a free family-friendly event being planned by Friends of Everhart Park.

  • Apr. 26 – The State of Sustainability at WCU: Key Insights from WCU’s First Sustainability Census, Sykes Student Union 255 A/B or Zoom, 12 – 12:50 p.m. Presented by WCU faculty and at 50 minutes each, these seminars introduce an array of sustainability topics in easily digestible segments. Presentations are free and open to the public. For Zoom use the link above and passcode: 878376

  • Apr. 26 – Music Bingo, Saloon 151, 9 p.m.

  • Apr. 27 – Senior Fair, West Chester Area Senior Center, 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Representatives will provide information related to health and wellness, legal issues, living accomodations, free tax services, veteran services, fraud and identity and more.

  • Apr. 27 – Music Trivia, Kildare’s, 8 p.m.

  • Apr. 28 – 30 – 17th Annual West Chester Annual Film Festival, various locations Downtown. West Chester’s very own international film festival returns. Visit their website for complete details.

  • Apr. 28 – Dine and Donate, Mae’s West Chester, all day. 15% of all orders will be donated to help the Dugan rebuild after a devasting fire earlier this month. No directions were given but it wouldn’t hurt to mention it when ordering.

  • Apr. 28 – Ramboree 2023, Ram Park, 2 – 7 p.m. Join the fun and celebrate this all-time favorite spring tradition. Enjoy food, games, rides, and live music followed by a football game.

  • Apr. 28 – Food Truck and Vendor Expo, Fame Fire Company, 4-8 p.m. Enjoy several great food trucks, 30+ quality craft vendors, plus, bull riding (that should be interesting.)

Psst. Like to plan ahead? Visit the new Calendar page. I have events through August!

Quiz answer: Andiario, Baldwin’s Book Barn, Victory Brewing, Longwood Gardens.

That’s it. Stay safe, stay healthy and I’ll see you next week.

Oh, one more thing, if you think one or more of your friends would like Hello, West Chester, too, please forward this newsletter and tell them to come and join us.

And hey, if you’re that friend? So nice to see you! You can subscribe here.

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